Rmd notes
week1-1 intro, KMplot, log-rank test, life tables, KM by hand
week1-2 case study info
week1-3 KM: survfit(), survdiff()
week1-4 survfit() output by hand
week2-1 intro to Cox
week2-2 Cox: coxph()
week2-3 dealing with NAs
week3-1 EDA, multivariate Cox
week3-2 Cox non-convergence
week3-3 fixing non-convergence
week4-1 Cox residuals: Schoenfeld, Martingale, Deviance
week4-2 test Cox assumptions: cox.zph(), ggcoxzph(), ggcoxdiagnostics(,type=), ggcoxfunctional()
week4-3 Cox assumptions NOT met
week4-4 choosing predictors (backward elimination)
week4-5 choosing predictors (backward elimination) in practice
week4-6 final analysis