methods of predictor selection

  • forward selection (bad)
  • stepwise selection (bad)
  • backwards elimination
  • prior domain knowledge

backwards elimination steps

  1. fit model with all chosen predictors
  2. store coefficients for that model
  3. remove all predictors whose p-value is above threshold (e.g. 0.05)
  4. fit new_model with predictors that are left
  5. compare coefficients of predictors before and after
  6. if
    1. coefficients aren’t that different, you have final model
      • go ahead and check residuals and assumptions
    2. coefficients for a predictor changed a lot
      • then need to find variable(s) removed that is/are correlated with this predictor
      • { isn’t it bad if 2 predictors are correlated ??? }
      • need to find correlated variable by trial and error,
        • add back removed variables one at a time,
        • until affected predictor’s coefficient back to original value
        • keep that removed variable in model

example: blood pressure

  • original model
    • blood pressure (HR=1.30, p=0.0002)
    • cholesterol (HR=1.05, p=0.155)
  • cholesterol removed
    • blood pressure (HR=1.50)
    • you judge that HR 1.3 to 1.5 is big enough change (more below)
  • add cholesterol back
    • blood pressure HR back to 1.30
  • conclude there’s correlation between blood pressure and cholesterol, need to keep both in model
  • (reason why stepwise procedure is so unreliable, {will miss these correlations})

  • how to judge if a variable’s HR change was big enough to warrant adding predictors back?
    • arbitrary
    • usually HR change > 0.05 is viewed as big enough
    • e.g. HR 1.30 -> 1.34 not enough
    • depends on how results is going to be used:
      • people invited into a national screening programme, based on their estimated risk of developing disease,
        • using coefficient of 1.30 instead of 1.50 greatly affects number of people invited
      • epidemiological study of risk factors
        • 1.30 and 1.50 not that different,
        • all we do in finding risk factors is to say “these ARE significant risk factors, these are not”, HR is secondary importance {p-value more important}