3 types of residuals to check model fit

  • residuals
    • key tool to assess model fit
    • calculated for each data point (e.g. patient)
    • actual value vs model-predicted value
    • calculation of residuals a little different from linear or logistic regression (mainly due to censoring)

Schoenfeld residual

  • Cox doesn’t care about what shape of the hazard function is (i.e. risk of death over time)
  • all that matters is if two hazard functions are parallel, or “proportional”
  • Schoenfeld residual tests this
  • example: hazard function for males vs females
    • if residuals for gender does not correlate with follow-up time since hospital admission, good news,
    • i.e. residuals are indepenent of time, proportional assumption valid

Martingale residual

  • tests whether continuous predictor (e.g. age), has linear relation with outcome (time of death),
  • or if transforming the continuous variable will make relationship linear (e.g. age^2, log(age))
  • Martingale has mean of 0, range -inf to 1
    • MR of 1 = patients died earlier than predicted
    • MR of -50 = patients died later than predicted
  • valid assumption should see a straight line near 0

Deviance residual

  • normalized transformation of Martingale residuals
  • mean 0, sd 1
  • used to spot influential points
  • data points that have large effect on model coefficients (HRs)
  • (similar to how outliers in linear regression can change line of best fit dramatically)