Useful Stuff

  • some useful commands for building and maintaining a blogdown site
  • also some markdown quirks I’m finding along the way

useful commands

blogdown::serve_site() to serve site on localhost
servr::daemon_stop(1) to stop server (sometimes serve_site() doesn’t refresh) Addins > New Post
Addins > Insert Image

useful customization files

  • in root dir
    • /.gitignore
    • /.Rprofile defaults for Addins > New Post
    • /_output.yml site wide blogdown:html_page settings
    • /config.toml title, baseurl, copyright, relativeurls, theme, enableEmoji, ignoreFiles, permalinks, markup, etc
  • in /assets/ dir
    • /scss/custom.scss top navbar font size, heading font size, body font size, smooth scrolling
  • in /config/_default/ dir
    • menus.toml links for top navbar
    • params.toml theme within academic, day_night, font="my_font_set”, font_size, site_type, math=true, diagram=true, contact details, social, region settings, reading_time, disqus comments, search, maps, google analytics
  • in /content/ dir
    • authors/johndoe/_index authors: johndoe, bio, email, etc
    • home/... all sorts of widget md files for scrolling homepage
  • in /data/ dir
    • fonts/my_font_set set custom font, font size, etc
  • in /layouts/_default/ dir
    • do not do below, blogdown stopped rendering new blog posts after
    • single.html table of content on sidebar for .md blog posts
  • in /R/ dir
    • build.R r script to tell blogdown to build whatever is in static dir
  • in /themes/hugo-academic/ dir (shouldn’t really touch this)
    • assets/scss/academic/_docs.scss looks interesting, might have something to do with setting docs content like toc?
    • data/page_sharer.toml enabling disabling share in blog posts
    • archetypes/ change docs template when using blogdown::new_content(path, kind = "docs", ...)
  • in // dir
    • ``

academic theme quirks

  • docs: docs page with parent/child will always appear after docs without parent/child
  • docs: without assigning weight, left navbar will put them alphabetically, after those with weights

markdown quirks

lining up content in quote blocks

  • use space (•) instead of tabs (\t)
  • e.g.
this is some code•••••••••••••••••••••# comment1••••more text
this is some more code••••••••••••••••# comment2••••more text
this is some more and more code•••••••# comment3•••••••more text

insert image to .Rmd page files in /static/ dir

  • has to do it manually (unlike in docs or posts)
  • image has to be in same dir as .Rmd file
  • <img src="image1.png" alt="some text" width="70%"/>
  • ![some text](image1.png){width=200px} no quotes, must have extension
  • these can be inline with bullet points to indent images

insert image to .md page files in /content/ dir

  • image URL is messed up in Hugo or Academic theme
  • after using Addin > Insert Image, have to manually edit image URL
  • image URL is absolute path without /static
  • ![sample_image](/resources/docker_resources/_index_files/sample_image.jpeg)
  • more quirks
    • need front / before subdir of /static (e.g. /resources)
    • image filename cannot have space (e.g. sample image.jpeg)

things to figure out

  • create alternative to “home” scrolling page
  • page bundle archetype (blog post as folder with index.html in it) vs uglyUrl
  • breadcrumbs navigation
  • floating toc for .Rmd
  • getting rid of spacing between intro sentence and subsequent bullet lists in .md files (not an issue with .Rmd)