
My implementation/customizations of R blogdown with Academic theme from gcushen - Academic theme documentation - Academic theme GitHub repo

initialize project

New Project > New Directory > Website using Blogdown > - Directory name = bioinfohippo - Hugo theme = gcushen/hugo-academic > |Create Project|

serve_site() and view in browser

    vim config.toml
        title = "bioinfohippo"
        baseurl = "url/to/your/site/"
        copyright = "John Doe &copy `{year}`"
        theme = "hugo-academic"
        relativeurls = true
        ignoreFiles = ["\\.ipynb$", ".ipynb_checkpoints$", "\\.Rmd$", "\\.Rmarkdown$", "_files$", "_cache$"]
        Rendering content/post/2015-07-23-r-rmarkdown.Rmd
        Building sites … 
                           | EN  
          Pages            | 91  
          Paginator pages  |  0  
          Non-page files   | 22  
          Static files     |  8  
          Processed images | 47  
          Aliases          | 20  
          Sitemaps         |  1  
          Cleaned          |  0  
        Total in 692 ms
        To stop the server, run servr::daemon_stop(1) or restart your R session
        Serving the directory /Users/minghan/Google Drive/RBlogDown/bioinfohippo at

push repo to GitHub

      git init
      Initialized empty Git repository in /projectdir/.git
      git config --global 'John Doe'
      git config --global ''
      vim .gitignore
      git add .
      git status
      git commit -m 'website initial commit'
      git remote add origin
      git push -u origin master
       * [new branch]      master -> master
      Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.


continuous deployment

### edit Biography
- first copy the /admin dir and edit the copy
cp -R /content/authors/admin/ /content/authors/johndoe/
- then edit
vim /content/home/

    author = "johndoe"
- then edit johndoe/
vim /content/authors/johndoe/

    (edited a bunch of stuff)
- then replace avatar.jpg with your own avatar.jpg

### edit contact info
- all stored in `/config/_default/params.toml`
- remove phones by setting to ""
- remove address by setting to {}
- remove map by setting to []

### get posts on its own page
- changing from widget on homepage to its own page,
- by editing `menus.toml`
vim /config/_default/menus.toml

    changed from url = "#post" to url = "post/"

### first blog post

Addins > New Post

Title = firstpost
Author = John Doe
Categories = test
Tags = test
Archetype = post
Format = .Rmd            > Done

## some heading ### some heading {r} library(tidyverse) iris %>% head()

- set `authors: ["minghan"]` for author info to appear at end of blog
- set `toc: true` to display table of contents at beginning of blog

### setting share options
- each social platform can be enabled or disabled in `page_sharer.toml`
vim /themes/hugo-academic/data/page_sharer.toml

      id = "twitter"
      url = "{url}&text={title}"
      title = "Twitter"
      icon_pack = "fab"
      icon = "twitter"
      enable = true    > set to false to disable

### setting blogdown:html_page() options globally
- create _output.yml file in root directory
vim /_output.yml

      toc: true
      fig_width: 6
      dev: "svg"

### edit .Rprofile to set default blog settings
- this will give some default values when you click Addins > New Post

file.edit(‘/Users/minghan/Google Drive/RBlogDown/bioinfohippo/.Rprofile’)

options(servr.daemon = 'interactive()', = 'Ming Han',
        blogdown.ext = '.Rmd',
        blogdown.subdir = 'post',
        blogdown.yaml.empty = TRUE)

### customize font
- make /data/fonts/ dir if it doesn't exist
- copy minimal.toml to /data/fonts/ as my_font_set.toml
- changed font sizes 700 to 500
- set customized font in params.toml
mkdir /data/fonts/
cp /themes/hugo-academic/data/fonts/minimal.toml /data/fonts/my_font_set.toml
vim /data/fonts/my_font_set.toml
    google_fonts = "Montserrat:400,500|Roboto:400,400italic,500|Roboto+Mono"
vim config/_default/params.toml
    font = "my_font_set"

### custom.scss
- make custom.scss if it doesn't exist
- change navbar font size, heading font size/weight etc
vim /assets/scss/custom.scss

    /* custom scss file */
    /* changes navbar font size */
    nav#navbar-main li.nav-item {
      font-size: 16px;
      font-weight: bold;

    /* custom heading font size, weight
       from /themes/hugo-academic/assets/scss/academic/_root.scss */
    h2 {
      font-weight: 500;
      margin-top: 1rem;
      font-size: 1.5rem;
    h3 {
      font-weight: 500;
      margin-top: 1.5rem;
      font-size: 1.25rem;

    /* body font size
       from /themes/hugo-academic/assets/scss/academic/_root.scss */
    body {
      font-size: 0.9rem;

### open external link in new tab
- [](
- [](
- as of Hugo v0.62.0, need "render-hooks" to open external links in new tab
- create render-link.html if does not exist
vim /themes/hugo-academic/layouts/_default/_markup/render-link.html (already existed in     Academic theme)

    {{/* A Hugo Markdown render hook to parse links, opening external links in new tabs.     */}}
    <a href="{{ .Destination | safeURL }}"{{ with .Title}} title="{{ . }}"{{ end }}{{ if     strings.HasPrefix .Destination "http" }} target="_blank" rel="noopener"{{ end }}>{{ .Text     | safeHTML }}</a>
- in .md file insert
- internal links should still open in same tab,
- as long as it doesn't have "http" prefix

### Addins > Insert Image
- nice GUI to insert image into .md files
- Addins > Insert Image > Image/Browse > Width > Alternative text > Target file path > Done
- Target file path defaults to /static/dir/to/your/markdown/page/
- inserts HTML code into your .md or .Rmd file
    - img src path will ignore /static (this is what you want)
    - may need to change path manually, sometimes blogdown's Addins > Insert Image misses the top directory
    - example:
blogdown will insert this HTML code:
<img src="/r_tutorials/blogdown/AcademicTheme/exampleimage.png" alt="some text" width="70%"/>

should be:
<img src="/tutorials/r_tutorials/blogdown/AcademicTheme/exampleimage.png" alt="some text" width="70%"/>
(don't forget first /)

### toc numbering in .Rmd
- [](
        number_sections: true
        toc: TRUE
- still have to figure out how to do this for .md files

### floating toc for blog posts
- .md files only, still can't for .Rmd files
- [](
- first make /layouts/_default/single.html if does not exist
mkdir /layouts/_default
vim /layouts/_default/single.html
    <!-- custom sidebar nav for posts -->
    {{- define "main" -}}
    {{ if .Params.toc }}
    <div class="container-fluid docs">
        <div class="row flex-xl-nowrap">
          <div class="d-none d-xl-block col-xl-2 docs-toc">
            <ul class="nav toc-top">
              <li><a href="#" id="back_to_top" class="docs-toc-title">{{ i18n "on_this_page"     }}</a></li>
            {{ .TableOfContents }}
            {{ partial "docs_toc_foot" . }}
          <main class="col-12 col-md-0 col-xl-10 py-md-3 pl-md-5 docs-content" role="main">
    {{ end }}
            <article class="article">
                {{ partial "page_header" . }}
                <div class="article-container">
                  <div class="article-style">
                    {{ .Content }}
                  {{ partial "page_footer" . }}
      {{ if .Params.toc }}
      {{ end }}
    {{- end -}}
- then edit custom.scss for smooth scrolling
vim /assets/scss/custom.scss

    html {
        scroll-behavior: smooth;

### reference inline figure, images
    See Figure \@ref(fig:pie) for example:
    ```{r pie, fig.cap='A fancy pie chart.', tidy=FALSE}
    some code...

### share manual baseurl
- [](
- baseurl not prepending {url} in `page_sharer.html`
- manually add baseurl before each {url} in `page_sharer.html`
vim /themes/hugo-academic/data/page_sharer.html

      id = "twitter"
      url = "{url}&text={title}"
      title = "Twitter"
      icon_pack = "fab"
      icon = "twitter"
      enable = true


reference internal pages

collapsible docs sidebar nav