tidyverse dplyr

iris %>% head()


  • filter(.data, TRUE, .preserve = FALSE)
  • selects rows where condition is TRUE
iris %>% filter(between(Sepal.Length, 4, 4.3)) %>% head()
iris %>% filter(Petal.Length > 6 & Petal.Width < 2)
iris %>% filter(xor(Petal.Length < 6, Petal.Width > 2)) %>% head()
iris %>% filter(Petal.Length %in% c(4.4, 4.3)) %>% head()

scoped filter variants

  • filtering across multiple columns, dynamic selection of columns
  • returns all columns
iris_numerics = iris[,!colnames(iris)=="Species"]


  • filter_all(.tbl, .vars_predicate, .preserve = FALSE)
  • considering all columns, for each row
# all_vars (if all cols have values > 0.3, keep that row)
iris_numerics %>% filter_all(all_vars(. > 0.3)) %>% head()
# any_vars (if any cols have values > 0.3, keep that row)
iris_numerics %>% filter_all(any_vars(. > 4)) %>% head()


  • filter_if(.tbl, .predicate, .vars_predicate, .preserve = FALSE)
  • consider only columns matching .predicate when filtering with .vars_predicate
# is.numeric as .predicate
iris %>% filter_if(~ is.numeric(.), all_vars(. > 2)) %>% head()

# selects cols whose 2 < mean < 4 (cols Sepal.Width and Petal.Length)
# all_vars (select rows where both Sepal.Width and Petal.Length have to be < 3)
iris_numerics %>% filter_if(~ mean(.) > 2  & mean(.) < 4, all_vars(. < 3)) %>% head()

# any_vars (any have to be < 3)
iris_numerics %>% filter_if(~ mean(.) > 2  & mean(.) < 4, any_vars(. < 3)) %>% head()


  • filter_at(.tbl, .vars, .vars_predicate, .preserve = FALSE)
  • selects cols with vars() specification (regex)
# all_vars (all cols containing "tal", those cols - values must be even)
iris_numerics %>% filter_at(vars(contains("tal")), all_vars(((. * 10) %% 2) == 0)) %>% head()

# select cols with str_which and regex, those cols - values must be even
get_names = iris_numerics %>% names() %>% str_subset(., "^P")
iris_numerics %>% filter_at(vars(get_names), all_vars(((. * 10) %% 2) == 0)) %>% head()


  • select(.data, COLNAMES)
  • subset cols by colnames
get_names = iris_numerics %>% names() %>% str_subset(., "^p")
iris %>% select(get_names) %>% head()

# drop cols
iris %>% select(-Species) %>% head()

# rearrange columns
iris %>% select(Species, everything()) %>% head() # everything()
iris %>% select(-Sepal.Length, Sepal.Length) %>% head() # move with -name

# rename group of variables
get_names = iris_numerics %>% names() %>% str_subset(., "^[:lower:]")
iris %>% select(obs = get_names) %>% head()

# rename multiple variables
vars <- c(var1 = "Sepal.Length", var2 ="Sepal.Width")
iris %>% select(vars) %>% head() # not sure why use !!!var or !!var...

scoped select variants

  • all selects some columns, and change colnames


  • select_all(.tbl, .funs = list(), …)
  • changes all columns, takes func as argument
# toupper, changes colnames to UPPERCASE
iris %>% select_all(toupper) %>% head()

# regex replace colnames
iris %>% select_all(., ~ str_replace(., "t", "weeee")) %>% head()


  • select_if(.tbl, .predicate, .funs = list(), …)
  • select_if, uses logical statements, then do something
# select by datatype
iris %>% select_if(is.numeric) %>% head()

# multiple ifs
iris %>% select_if(~is.numeric(.) & mean(.) > 5) %>% head() # need ~ since mean(.) > 5 not a function

# n_distinct()
iris %>% select_if(~n_distinct(.) < 10, toupper) %>% head()


  • select_at(.tbl, .vars, .funs = list(), …)
  • select columns with .vars, then do something
# select vars without "ar" OR starts_with "c", then convert to UPPERCASE
select_at(mtcars, vars(-contains("ar"), starts_with("c")), toupper) %>% head()

# vars positional
select_at(mtcars, vars(-(1:3)), toupper) %>% head()

custom function

is_whole <- function(x) all(floor(x) == x)
select_if(mtcars, is_whole, toupper) %>% head()


  • rename(.data, c(“new_col1” = old_col1, “new_col2” = old_col2))
  • rename specific column(s)
iris %>% rename("new_col1" = Sepal.Length, "new_col2" = Sepal.Width) %>% head

scoped rename() variants

  • select() drops variables not in selection; rename() retains them


  • same as select_all
iris %>% rename_all(., ~ str_replace(., "t", "weeee")) %>% head()


  • rename_if(.tbl, .predicate, .funs = list(), …)
iris %>% rename_if(~n_distinct(.) < 10, toupper) %>% head()


  • rename_at(.tbl, .vars, .funs = list(), …)
rename_at(mtcars, vars(-(1:3)), toupper) %>% head()


  • mutate(.data, new_col = func(old_col))
  • compute new columns, keeps others
iris %>% mutate(sepal10 = Sepal.Length*10) %>% head()
iris %>% mutate(Sepal.Length = Sepal.Length*10) %>% head() # mutate in-place
iris %>% mutate(Sepal.Length = Sepal.Length*10, 
                Sepal.Width = Sepal.Width*10) %>% head() # mutate multiple cols in-place
iris %>% mutate(Sepal.Length = NULL, 
                Sepal.Width = Sepal.Width*10) %>% head() # mutate and remove cols

# grouped mutates with group_by()
# without group_by()
iris %>% mutate(Sepal.Length_mean = mean(Sepal.Length)) %>% head()
# with group_by(), new col has grouped calculations
iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% mutate(Sepal.Length_mean = mean(Sepal.Length)) %>% head()

# check group_by() output
i = 1 # setosa
iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% 
  mutate(Sepal.Length_mean = mean(Sepal.Length)) %>% 
  filter(Species == iris %>% select(Species) %>% unique() %>% .[i,]) %>% head() # with group_by()

scoped mutate() variants

  • all mutates in-place, unless name given with list())
# user-defined function
scale2 = function(x, na.rm = TRUE){
  return(x - mean(x, na.rm = na.rm)/sd(x, na.rm = na.rm))


  • mutate_all(.tbl, .funs, …)
iris_numerics %>% mutate_all(as.integer) %>% head()


  • mutate_if(.tbl, .predicate, .funs, …)
  • get cols by predicate function
iris %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, scale2, na.rm = TRUE) %>% head()

# transforming variable type (is. to as.)
iris %>% mutate_if(is.double, as.integer) %>% head() %>% as_tibble()

# mutates in-addition instead of in-place 
iris %>% mutate_if(is.double, list("int" = as.integer)) %>% head() %>% as_tibble()

# mutates with expression-function
iris %>% mutate_if(~n_distinct(.) == 2, as.factor) %>% head()


  • mutate_at(.tbl, .vars, .funs, …, .cols = NULL)
  • get cols by vars()
iris %>% mutate_at(vars(iris %>% names() %>% str_subset(., "^Sep")), scale2) %>% summarize(mean(Sepal.Length))

# mutates in-addition instead of in-place with list()
iris %>% mutate_at(vars(iris %>% names() %>% str_subset(., "^Sep")), list(scale = scale2)) %>% head()

multiple transformations

# new variables created for each transformation
iris %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, list(scale = scale2, log = log)) %>% head()


  • compute new columns, drops all others
iris %>% transmute(sepal10 = Sepal.Length*10) %>% head()


  • ordering by multiple cols
iris %>% arrange(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width) %>% head()
iris %>% arrange(desc(Sepal.Length), Sepal.Width) %>% head() 

# group_by() is ignored
iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% arrange(Sepal.Length) %>% print(n=40)
# unless specifically asked
iris %>% arrange(Sepal.Length, .by_group = TRUE) %>% head(50) # even then doesn't work...


# count is short-hand for group_by() + tally()
iris %>% group_by(Species) %>% tally()
iris %>% count(Species)

# change name of new col
iris %>% count(Species, name = "count_Species")

# multi-level count (e.g. by Species and by homeworld)
starwars %>% count(species, homeworld, sort = TRUE, name = "n_by_Species_by_homeworld")

# add_count short for group_by() + add_tally(), puts a few col with #rows of entire dataframe
mtcars %>% add_count(cyl, name = "count_num_by_cyl") %>% select(count_num_by_cyl, everything()) %>% head(10)

# combine add_count with filter, to filter based on counts of each class of a feature
mtcars %>% add_count(cyl, name = "count_num_by_cyl") %>% filter(count_num_by_cyl == 7) %>% head()